WORKSHOP: Advanced Photoshop Techniques

Date & Time:
Sunday, April 5, 2020
 (9am to noon)

Vermont Center for Photography, 49 Flat Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301 (Down the alley next to the transportation center on Flat Street).

Matt Stinson
has been a public educator in Instructional Technology for over ten years.  He is currently a Computer Science teacher at Agawam High School. His expertise includes traditional gelatin-silver photography, digital photography, web design, computer programming (Java, JavaScript and C++), picture framing, graphic design and information technology support.  He received his BFA from The University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2004 and a Master’s degree in Education in 2011.

Course Description:
Overview of the Options Bar, Tools Panel, File Formats, Image Size and Color Modes
2. Image Correction: Image Rotation, Cropping, History, Levels, Unsharp Mask, Hue/Saturation, Burning, Dodging, The Clone Tool and Content Aware Fill.
3. Generate a Digital Abstract Effect
4. Create a Colorful Graphic from a Single Pixel Line
5. Working with Composite Images Part 1
6. Placing Images inside Typography
7. Working with Composite Images Part 2: Combining imagery, selections, and free time to pursue a topic of choice.

Minimum of 4 – Maximum of 8 participants

Materials & Equipment Students Should Bring:
Bring files you want to work on especially images that you could see combining (composite photography). The format must be .jpg or .tif.  No .raw format please because Adobe Photoshop has to be customized in advanced to handle raw files. Files can be stored on a flash drive or online. Also bring a pair of headphones with a standard headphone jack that can be plugged into the computer (not imperative, but might come in handy with the final topic if you want to watch a YouTube video).

Materials provided at the workshop:
VCP will provide Apple computers for each student with Adobe Photoshop CC as well as a printed handout of the instructors notes. Light refreshments will be available as well.

$55 for non-members, $45 for VCP members. Online registration below.

Email or call 802-251-6051

Register Online: