Anne Arden McDonald, Tony Attardo, Kristi Beisecker, Richard Cavagnolo, Monica Church, Rebecca Davis, Adrienne Defendi, Colleen Fitzgerald, Carolyn Fraser, Nicholas Gaffney, Audrey Gottlieb, Eui-Jip Hwang, Alysia Kaplan, Sarah Knobel, Katharine Kreisher, Janelle Lynch, Chris Maliga, Adrian Martinez, Andy Mattern, Sandra Matthews, Alyssa Minahan, Marc Newton, Marc Ohrem-Leclef, Nicholas Pollack, Sarah Pollman, Rachel Porter, Blair Rainey, Amy Shapiro, Rochelle Simard, David Underwood, Judy Unger-Clark, Emily Vallee, & Nathan Wagoner.
Exhibition Dates: November 3rd–26th, 2017
“When assembling the selections for SPE’s juried exhibition “Is Photography Enough?”, many questions came to mind for me. Is photography enough? Is photography as we know it changing? In what ways are artists manipulating photographic methods today? Are digital/multimedia methods becoming the new “traditional photography”? What does that mean for pre-digital photography?
I sought to bring together elements of what we commonly refer to as “traditional” photography and work that stretches the confines of (and nearly redefines) the commonly held conception of what a photograph is. This body of 36 works seeks to ask many of the above questions – rather than provide any form of concrete answers. Change and evolution is inevitable and, with the progression of the digital era, I expect there to be even more drastic leaps in approaches to this ever-flexing medium.” – Joshua Farr, Executive Director, Vermont Center for Photography