LowTech/NoTech: Plastic, Pinhole & Cameraless Photography – A Juried Exhibition

Photographs with the power to amuse and inspire are not necessarily dependent on the quality of the lens and camera used to take them; sometimes the most compelling photographs are born from inexpensive, simple, or alternative equipment. This premise is the theme of VCP’s November Show—Low Tech/No Tech: A Juried Plastic, Pinhole, and Camera-less Show.

We invite VCP members and non-members alike to submit photographs taken with simple plastic cameras, pinhole cameras, homemade cameras—any sort of images created by alternative means. We’re looking for quality, unique prints from less-than-fantastic cameras. We are not looking for images that have been digitally altered to look like they were made with plastic cameras; only the real thing, please. The show will open with a reception during Gallery Walk on Friday, November 4 at 5:30pm.

What to Submit:

All submissions must be received by Friday, October 7th. No late submissions will be accepted.

Up to 6 images may be submitted by CD or email submission. Title each file with “your last name_image title.” Files should be approximately 5 x 7 at 300 ppi. Include a separate sheet with your name, phone, address, email, image titles, the process used to capture the image, and the exhibition print size. Include a 9 x 12 self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish your CD to be returned.

Send CD to:

The Vermont Center for Photography
49 Flat Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301

Or email submissions to:


A non-refundable $30 (non-VCP member) or $25 (VCP member or student with valid ID) application fee must be submitted with the images. Checks may be made out and mailed to The Vermont Center for Photography, or you may submit the application fee through PayPal on the VCP website at vcphoto.org.

Works chosen for the show must be framed and delivered to the Gallery no later than Saturday, October 29th. The Gallery is open Friday 1-6; Saturday 12-5; and Sunday 12-5.

Questions? info@vcphoto.org or 802.251.6051