“Communications Coordinator”
Accepting applications through January 26, 2025 – full details and online application can be found here
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Welcoming Volunteers!
Volunteers are an essential way the Vermont Center for Photography fulfills its mission in providing photographic services and exhibition opportunities to photographers in Vermont and beyond. There are many ways devoted individuals can donate their efforts to make VCP an a strong and dynamic organization.
We are looking for help in these areas:
Gallery/Reception: be present at VCP to help answer questions about the exhibitions; be a public face of VCP; answer basic questions;
PhotoThrift Assistant: help us sell vintage camera gear and film! General tasks can include: cleaning, prepping, labeling and pricing camera gear; answering technical questions; photographing, posting and selling gear on our Instagram account and website; packing and shipping orders.
Lab Monitor: be present at VCP to assist in and help maintaining darkroom and digital lab; help VCP members with technical assistance; printing, check and mix chemistry and help keep darkroom clean; assist VCP staff with print jobs; TA for VCP teachers; Weekend Lab Monitor.
General Cleaning: Help us maintaining our new facility by landing a hand with a few tasks (mopping floors, dusting surfaces, bathroom cleaning, vacuuming…)
Library and Bookshop: Inventory of our new and old book acquisitions.
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Benefits: any volunteers willing to devote at least 10 hours a year will receive a complementary VCP membership.
For more information about the ways in which you can make a difference, please contact us at